Holle Christensen publishes on experience analytics

Student Holle Christensen's short paper Experience analytics: developing a scalable, implicit and rich measure of user experience was accepted at the Triangulation in UX Studies:  Learning from Experience Workshop at the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) in Edinburgh, Scotland!

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Experience analytics: developing a scalable, implicit and rich measure of user experience
Johanne Christensen and Benjamin Watson

Triangulation in UX Studies:  Learning from Experience Workshop
ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2017, to appear.

New measures of user experience must be defined that can combine the scalability and unobtrusiveness of activity traces with the richness of more traditional measures. Machine learning can be used to predict established UX measures from such activity traces. We advocate research into the type of activity traces needed as input for such measures, the machine learning technology needed, and the user experience components and measures to be predicted.

Adam Marrs publishes on multiview rendering (updated)

Student Adam Marrs presented his paper Real-Time View Independent Rasterization for Multi-View Rendering at Eurographics 2017 in Lyon, France! 


Real-Time View Independent Rasterization for Multi-View Rendering
Adam Marrs, Benjamin Watson, and Christopher G. Healey
North Carolina State University

Eurographics 2017 (to appear)

Existing graphics hardware parallelizes view generation poorly, placing many multi-view effects – such as soft shadows, defocus blur, and reflections – out of reach for real-time applications. We present emerging solutions that address this problem using a high density point set tailored per frame to the current multi-view configuration, coupled with relatively simple reconstruction kernels. Points are a more flexible rendering primitive, which we leverage to render many high resolution views in parallel. Preliminary results show our approach accelerates point generation and the rendering of multi-view soft shadows up to 9x.