
Below I list my students present and past — all are wonderful people. I begin with PhD students, and continue with significant Masters/undergrads.


Ajinkya Gavane

Started in fall 2016, studying point-based and multiview rendering.

Chung-Che Hsiao

Started in fall 2016, studying alternative rendering and display.


Adam Marrs

He's almost done! Studying point-based and multiview rendering.

Holle Christensen

A senior student studying machine learning for user experience.


Juhee Bae

Graduated in 2015. Studied graph visualization and visual hierarchy. Currently a postdoc at University of Skövde AI Lab.

Conrad Albrecht-Buehler

Graduated in 2007. Studied text visualization. Currently interaction design lead at BMW.


Abhinav Dayal

Graduated in 2006. Studied alternative forms of rendering. Currently a professor at Vishnu Institute of Technology, India.

Pin Ren

Graduated in 2007. Studied security visualization. Currently an associate professor at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China.


Ehud Sharlin

Graduated in 2001. Studied tangible user interfaces. Currently an associate professor at University of Calgary, Canada.


Abhinav Srinivasan

Graduated with MS in 2016. Studied alternative forms of rendering. Currently working at Mathworks.

Chris Stroud

Graduated with BS in 2015. Studied mobile interfaces. Currently working as iOS engineer at Ticketmaster.

Alejandro Fonseca

Graduated with MS in 2010. Studied alternative forms of rendering. Currently working at Amazon.


Riley Benson

Graduated with BS in 2010. Studied text visualization. Currently working as senior ux designer at SAS.

Chris Sexton

Graduated with MS in 2009. Studied procedural urban modeling. Currently working as senior staff scientist at JHUAPL.

Dima Brodsky

Graduated with MS in 1999. Studied polygonal model simplification. Currently a software engineer at Salesforce.